Our staff is trained and dedicated to providing the highest standards of personal care and privacy for each of our patients. We want your time with us to be as comfortable as possible.
Your safety remains our highest priority at LSSH. We continue to follow the most current guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID and other infectious diseases. Below is a summary of the expectations for all visitors and healthcare workers that enter LSSH.
Masking is recommended for your protection
Everyone will be screened upon entry to LSSH for symptoms of illness, including:
- Fever greater than or equal to 100.4°F
- Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Sore throat
- Congestion that differs from their typical seasonal allergies
- Body aches
- Fatigue
- Loss of smell/taste
- Vomiting/Diarrhea
- Active COVID infection/pending testing or recent close contact exposure
Preoperative COVID-19 testing is performed at the request of your physician.
Everyone is encouraged to maintain adequate social distance (6 feet or more) when appropriate
We strongly encourage everyone in Acadiana to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals are at a substantially higher risk for developing severe symptoms that may require hospitalization. Please help us slow the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases for ourselves, our community, and the entire Louisiana healthcare system.
Please contact LSSH at 769-4100 if you have any questions.
Confidential Information
We are committed to confidentiality concerning personal and medical information and providing you with the best health care possible. If you have special needs for confidentiality, please let our staff know as soon as possible. Our Medical Records department will require your authorization for release of any medical records, except in the case of transfer to another health care facility, or as required by law or third party payment contract.
Preparing for Surgery
Please call (337) 769-4100 to schedule an appointment with our Preadmit Department. Although an appointment is not necessary, you may have to wait if one is not scheduled. If our hours of operation do not fit your needs, please call and we will arrange a time that fits into your schedule.
During Your Stay
We have an open visitation policy, which means that visitors are welcome at any time. If someone is staying at the hospital while you are having an out-patient procedure, we will update them along the way so they are informed on your progress. If your procedure requires an overnight stay, each room is furnished to allow one family member or friend (16 years of age or older) to spend the night with you. Patient rooms are private and spacious, with sleeper sofas available for guest sleeping. If you don’t feel up to having visitors, tell the staff and we will limit the number of visitors and the time they are allowed to visit.
Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital is a smoke free campus. Like many healthcare and other public facilities in our community, we feel the prohibition of smoking on our campus is in the best interest of our patients, children, visitors, and staff members. We hope that you and your guests appreciate our decision to create a healthier environment for all and recognize the significance in your compliance with our campus policy. Smoking is prohibited anywhere on our property or any properties directly adjacent to our campus.
Remember that our hospital has many patients and we cannot be responsible for items left unattended in the lobby area or items kept in the patient rooms. Please do not bring money, credit cards, jewelry, and valued personal items to the hospital. Lockers are available with limited space for essential items. Please keep eyeglasses, contact lenses and dentures in protected containers when not in use.
For safety reasons, we encourage you to limit the use of personal electrical equipment. Please check with a staff member before using any electrical equipment brought from home.
Patients staying overnight are served breakfast, lunch, and dinner in their rooms. Please tell us if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs. We do not have a cafeteria but overnight guests can order a meal for a small fee. Vending machines with snacks and drinks, an ATM machine and a change machine are located near the main lobby. Our Lady of Lourdes Heart Hospital, located on our campus within walking distance, has a cafeteria with a salad bar and hot lunches. If these options don’t appeal to you, our receptionist can provide information about restaurants near the hospital.
Each patient room is equipped with a communication system that you can use to contact the nurses’ station. Local phone calls can be made by dialing “9” and the local number. Family and friends may dial directly to patient rooms by dialing 769-4 + the room number.
Mail, flowers, or packages will be delivered to patient rooms. Deliveries after discharge will be forwarded to the patient’s home.
We provide security to ensure safety and peace of mind for you and your guests. If you should experience any security concerns during your stay, please inform our staff immediately.
Patients are discharged upon a written order from their physician. In most cases, all necessary information will be obtained and all financial arrangements will be completed prior to the time of discharge. Home instructions and any prescriptions which have been ordered will be provided at this time.
Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital strives for excellence in all areas, and provides ways for addressing any problems or concerns that will help us improve our services. A patient satisfaction survey will be given to you upon discharge. Please help us to improve our services by completing this survey and returning it to us. If the issue is of an urgent nature, we encourage you to call the Administrative Office at (337) 769-4100. For other concerns during your stay, you may contact any staff member for assistance. Social Services are also available.
Patients, visitors, medical staff and employees can freely voice complaints and recommend changes without being subject to coercion, discrimination, reprisal or unreasonable interruption of care, treatment and services. You are encouraged to first bring your complaint to the attention of our staff. If this does not lead to a resolution, you may bring your complaint to the Department of Health and Hospitals (State of Louisiana) and / or the Joint Commission for review.

Available at Your Convenience
The Health Portal makes time-consuming tasks simple…a few clicks, and you’re done. Access health information online, versus over the phone or in person.
You Choose When and Where
Access to the Health Portal is on your schedule, whether at home, on vacation, or at another medical office. Use the online Health Portal from anywhere from your smartphone or tablet 24X7, without waiting.
Keep Your Family in the Loop
You can connect with your providers and keep your family informed at the same time. Give authorized family members access to your health information.
Thank you for choosing Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital for your care. Our Health Portal helps you stay connected and play an active role in your health care. Click here to enroll.
You will receive an email with access information including a one-time user name and passcode. Click on the link in the email to access the Health Portal. Using the information in the email log in and change your username and password. Accept Terms and Conditions.
Now that you are signed up, you can access the Health Portal at any time using your new user name and password. Check your information for accuracy and use it to play an active role in your health care.
Gain Access
- Health Information
- Lab Results
- Visit History
- Allergies & Conditions
- Immunizations
- Medication Instructions
- Appointments
- Upcoming Visits