Michael S. Haydel, FIPP M.D.

Pain Management
1103 Kaliste Saloom Rd. Ste. 202 Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 233-2504Dr. Michael Haydel is a Pain Management Specialist practicing at Haydel Spine and Pain Specialty Care Center in Lafayette and Houma. Dr. Haydel is Board Certified in Anesthesiology by the American Board of Anesthesiology. He is also Board Certified in Interventional Pain Management by the American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians, and he is a Fellow of the Interventional Pain Physicians by the World Institute of Pain.
- Anesthesiology Residency with Cardiovascular and Clinical Research Subspecialty Tracks, Louisiana State University at New Orleans
- Internship in Family Medicine at University Medical Center in Lafayette
- M.D., Louisiana State University School of Medicine
- B.S. in Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana
- Terrebone Parish Medical Society
- Louisiana Medical Society
- American Society of Anesthesia
- Louisiana Anesthesia Society
- New Orleans Anesthesia Society
- American Academy of Pain Medicine
- American Academy of Pain Management
- Louisiana Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
- American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
- Dr. Haydel is one of Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital’s Physician Owners.